Depend® Incontinence Shields for Men Depend® Incontinence Shields for Men Depend® Incontinence Shields for Men Sizing
Men's Product

Shields for Men

Ultra-thin protection against drips and dribbles of urine, worn inside your own underwear. Disposable incontinence pads with a strong adhesive backing that locks into place without adding extra bulk like standard adult diapers.

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Product Feature

Depend® Incontinence Guards for Men Feature: Convenient storage to fit into your lifestyle

Convenient storage to fit into your lifestyle

Ultra-thin protection for drips & dribbles with a cup-like shape to fit a man’s body.


Glad you did! Luckily for us menstruators, periods aren’t new. People have been collecting info on this for a while and although every body is unique, we share so much in common. Period calculators use the information you’ll provide from your last cycle to predict the date for day 1 of your next cycle.

The period tracker can also help you calculate your ovulation date! Your date of ovulation is when the egg is released from your ovary. You may have noticed on the calendar that in addition to menstruation being outlined in red, there are also dates outlined in blue. In our example above, those dates are August 17-21 and September 14-18. These dates are your peak ovulation days. In a 28 day cycle, the expected date of ovulation is day 14, i.e. two weeks before your next cycle begins. If your cycle is shorter or longer (or if you haven’t been counting every day since your period ended) that date could change and that’s where the period calculator comes in. These dates outlined in blue are your most fertile days, in the event that you’re trying to become pregnant. Once released, the egg can live up to 24 hours while sperm can live for up to 5 days.

Like we said above, the average length is about 5 days but remember, there’s always variation! Anything from 2-7 is considered normal. It’s possible that you’ll see light brown discharge for the final few days, so you can try a Light Days Plus liner for your lighter flow.



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